Tuesday, December 10, 2019

2019 Epworth Camp

2019 Epworth Camp
A few weeks ago we went camping at Epworth. We were there for one school week and let me add it was the funniest week ever! You will see photos in this slideshow where the year 5 and 6s got the privilege of going on this camp.
Hope you enjoy    

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Rain Gauge Results (Science Badges)

Rain Gauge Results (Science Badges)

So whats science badges? Its where you choose a flyer that goes from easy - hard-ish. This includes of pondering of planets - Explorer Badge - Advanced Explorer Badge. I choose Explorer Badge. I have now explained the flyer but I haven't said whats on it, There are 32 different projects that you can do in 4 categories. you have to do at least 8 projects. I choose to do a project where I had to make my own rain gauge. Whats a rain gauge? Its a half of a bottle that measures how much rain there has been that day. This project is where I have to measure how much rain and the temperature of a 2 week period. 

Here are my findings:

Monday, November 11, 2019

8 Plants that are used in medicine (Science Badges)

8 Plants that are used in medicine (Science Badges)

So whats science badges? Its where you choose a flyer that goes from easy - hard-ish. This includes of pondering of planets - Explorer Badge - Advanced Explorer Badge. I choose Explorer Badge. I have now explained the flyer but I haven't said whats on it, There are 32 different projects that you can do in 4 categories. you have to do at least 8 projects. This is one of my projects. I did this project as a collab with Kaycee. We had to draw and research 8 different plants used as/in Medicine.   

Hope you like it!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Term 4 Maths Grid 2019

Term 4 Maths Grid 2019
Here this Terms Time and Grid results. We do a grid as often as we can! you will see more and more results come up every week. What is a maths grid? It's where we have to do 100 x table answers in 6:00 minutes! Might seem difficult right? Someone chooses the tables that we x's with. (These numbers could be... 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x, 11x, 12x or 20x)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Term 4 Goals of the week

Term 4 Goals of the week
This Term we are switching stuff up! Are goals format has changed and now we more questions to answer. Our goals now base around our learning maps. You will see me writing on a new slide in 5 weeks time. What do we do for goals of the week? We reflect on the quote or saying that Mrs Hall gives us, then we have to find something that you want to work on, Then the rest is quite self-explanatory.
Here are my goals... 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Production Highlights

Production Highlights
Here are some highlights from this year's production about Captain Cook. We did it on Captain Cook because this year makes it 250 years since Captain Cook came to New Zealand. This Slideshow I made took ages so I hope you like it!

Here's my Slideshow...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

2019 Speeches (What is courage What is bravery?)

(What is courage What is bravery?)
We have had our speeches now and It was quite nerve-racking for most of us.
Our topic was "What is courage, What is Bravery?". It didn't take me that long to write my speech this year maybe it's because I'm older so my writing skills as levelled up? 

                                               I hope you like my speech!
What is Courage/Bravery?
By: Isabella 

Introduction, Non Sensible way example: 
Hi, My name is Isabella and what I’m talking about today is What is Courage, What is Bravery? Let’s First talk about non-sensible Courage/Bravery and then the sensible ways. These statements in your opinion could be different or you could disagree to agree with me. What's a non-sensible way to show bravery? In my imagination, I straight away think of someone who wants to show how they are brave or face their fears, but not in a safe sensible way. Imagine what might happen next? Maybe they try to Bungee jump without a cord (Whisper: Can you see the problem here) -Pause- That was just an example I thought off the top of my head, But I’m sure you could think of some examples yourself.

Sensible ways example: 
Moving onto the sensible way of showing Courage/bravery. Here’s an example from my own life. Have you ever heard of skyline Rotorua? In Rotorua? And after the big Zipline, there is a platform where you choose to go down the stairs or go down with an almost bungee jump backwards experience? Well, I wanted to face my fears! I was the first and youngest person to do it in my family and there were 4 of us. But proving I could do it my mum than jumped then my sister and then auntie. But it was a brave step for me, Just imagine being connected to a cord walking on a thin plank Backwards Not even facing forwards! And just jumping off. Well before I did that I learnt how to get to the ground safely, of course, I wouldn't do that If I didn’t know, that would be too risky. 

Conclusion, Why do people Face their fears or have courage?: 
What would it feel like to have nobody facing their fears or having courage? Well, I know a way to get you in a feel without people not facing their fears. In your mind Imagine a dark room it might feel like a tight dark box, well it’s because nobody invented lights yet because they did not face their fears! Just like with nearly every overly used appliance. Nothing has been made. Courage helps you to stand out, do things you never thought you could do and probably lots more you can think of. But everything has its downs, with using courage you can get butterflies you can faint you can get sick just from Facing your fears in a way that can seem really scary but harmless, just like saying this speech it’s hard to get up in front of people and speak, and don’t forget to write the actual thing.

Ending, Rapping it up: 
That now sadly concludes my speech I hope you learned something and I hope you have had a good day. I hope one day this speech can help me in public speaking in the future because a lot of the time people are missing that key feature. What would life be if we had 
no courage to attempt anything? -Vincent Van Gogh.

  Thank you for listening