Thursday, September 27, 2018

All about Relief workers By Isabella...

All about Relief Workers...

This involved with Trash Reading, Mrs Olivia (One of the Characters) Is a Relief worker and we decided to research a Relief worker since I could not find one I decided to tell you about them. In this Video it will have my work which you can read while I read titles...

Whats a Collaboration (More Cybersmart!)

What is a Collaboration?
I did this a little late but a least I did it!
Me and my friend Tayla budded up for making a collaboration. We got to talk about what collaboration means. This was in with Cyber smart and what I think is anything with cyber smart is fun normally! I hope you enjoy this Collaboration. If you like you can read along with us!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Make a little go a long way! ~Speeches 2018~

Make a little go a long way!
2018 speeches strikes again! One of the people who were going on monday needed more time so I decided to volunteer to fill in for them, I was really nervous because I'm shy speaking by myself the only one. When you shake a glitter jar you will see how I was feeling. My mind was exploding with things that can go wrong. I was pardicing with my friends and I was mabey was stress eating well anyways I just want to say "If you shy or scared or stage fright still give it a try! because you never know what might happen".
If you cannot understand me on the video the scroll down to see the words  

Here are the words
Hi I’m Isabella. The question today is what can I do to contribute to the world? I think the first thing to do is to make a choice whether I will contribute in a good way or a bad way. After choosing to make a positive contribution, the next question to ask is what will my contribution look like?

There are a lot of problems in this world.
Many are very hard to fix and it is easy to feel like we can’t make a positive difference. It can feel easier to throw our hands up and decide it’s too hard, there’s nothing we can do, and to give up.

My mother told me of a phrase used in many different movements: Think globally, act locally. This means that if we want to make the world a better place, we all have the power to make these changes if we first start with ourselves. So, I’m going to focus on one problem that I know I can help with: how us humans connect and

support each other to make this world a better place. The think globally, act locally idea means that I need to do all I can to build my relationships with other kids, my teachers, my family, my community, and even with my pets. My aim is to spread good energy through the values of caring, kindness, respect for the differences

between us, and understanding. This also means that I have a responsibility to do the right thing by standing up for myself and others against bullying which can be hard to do. When there’s someone new, it’s important that I am friendly and welcoming and I help to show them round.

It can be as little as smiling and saying hi to someone, it’s as easy as that! Or giving a hug. Research has shown that a deep, heart-to-heart hug is a type of therapy and helps to heal sickness, and relieve loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress.

Apparently we need four hugs a day for survival, eight hugs a day for maintenance, and 12 hugs a day for growth. Imagine what might be achieved if we all committed to giving out tons of hugs a day? We might never have another war again!

Perhaps a little unrealistic but my point is, it doesn’t take much effort to do a lot of good or to change someone’s life for the better.
Thank you.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

More Cybersmart!

More Cybersmart!
We did more Cypersmart but this time editing are blog post that we think we can do better on! I edited 3 blog post so then my blog post can be really good!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Makaraka did Tamararo!!

Makaraka did Tamararo!!

Heaps of people in my class including me preformed in a Kapa Haka competition called Tamararo but sadly some people could not come. Tanemauta also had some people in there. Last year the other year 5 & 6's they Attended as entertainers, And this Year we were able to compete in the competition! We had to get to school by 7:45 so we could get ready, For me that was a early start on a Sunday but I could mange it. 
For the girls to-do list it was
-Get dressed
-Get a moko
-(For girls who did not have a bun) Put hair in a bun
-Get rib in and feathers in hair
-Get lip stick

And for the boys to-do list it was
-Get changed
-Get moko
-Get school jacket  

When we got there we had to start practising while we were doing that a problem accrued the poi's had been Forgotten! so Mr Milne had to go get them.

When we were all ready and lined up to go on, me and my friends had to do a breathing exercise to calm us down. We got on stage and Sang are hardest and after that we went back to school and we got change into are clothes and we went home.
I love that experience and I hope we win And I also hope I get this chance again!
Thank you