Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Eel Dissection Diagram - WARNING: Eels inside's shown

Eel Dissection Diagram - Isabella

22/2/19 We caught Eels near Whangara and after that, we made Scientific Eel Diagrams we choose pictures of bits and pieces of the inside of the Eel's when we dissected them. We did some research because we labeled the bits and pieces on our photo. That made us think more about the parts. My Favorite part was learning about the insides of the eel Because you normally get this opportune in High School. A question I still have is how did eels get blind in the first place did they get born blind or did they get blind later on in there life. we did this for our education to learn about eels we even got to see some of the Eel's last Meal and lots of people thought that was cool!

If you do not like insides of eels you may wanna look away now.
Outside anatomy

End Trails

Smart Relationships: Writing a quality blog comment? - Isabella

Smart Relationships: Writing a quality blog comment? - Isabella

My class has been learning about making a good comment. We need to learn this because you never know when it comes handy in life. We also like commenting to each other's blog so this is making us better. We had to make a comment on our teacher's blog post (Mrs hall) then we practiced in this slide and then copied and pasted it in. Then we made a comment to another's person comment and just keep giving feedback. This was really fun!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Eel Poem - Isabella

Eel Poem - Isabella
This Is my Eel Poem work It's to do with Eel reading where Mrs Hall gives us work about Eels because we went Eeling at Camp a couple of weeks ago. This is really fun to do cause we can learn More things!

Here's My Poem...

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

4 Eeling Tales Stories - Isabella

4 Eeling Tales Stories - Isabella
Here are some slides to do with Eeling. We had to read the Story and then answer some questions. This helps us to learn more about Eels and Eeling which in my opinion it's a good subject to learn more about.

Here's the Slide Show...