Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Pantied Hoe - Isabella

Painted Hoe - Isabella

We read this mini book and it's about waka's and hoe's written by a New Zealand Arthur named Steve Gibbs. We had to read it and answer questions after each page in speaker notes.
Here are my Answers...

1. There are many different types of waka’s like Tete, Tiwai, Hoaura and much more, But what separates them is that some are two hule wakas and other can be one hule, And there can also be ones that are used for different things. 

2. Hoe are highly valued because they have the ancestors / Stories carved into them, They do that for luck and you can’t just give luck to everyone. Also, They take really long to make and you should never give something that you have been working on for long and just give it to anyone.

3. Steve says that the hoe is well designed because it made them know the way to places And they are weighted down so it makes the waka go fast.

4. Where to go and stories of people before them.

5. Te Papa, University of Cambridge, British Museum,

Here's The Mini Book...

Hoe Waka Design

Hoe Waka Design

We got to draw our own design for a hoe for a waka. This Hoe had to have meanings behind it for me I have a path over the sea to Nz, The thousands of steps and waves in the sea. This was fun because 1# I love sketching / drawing and 2# its fun to design your own things, not just the following something, but we were allowed to have a look at Captain Cook's Hoe's they were gifted. We Designed these because we are learning about Captian J Cook

Here's my Design... 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Pisces Horoscope Work w/ Rose

Pisces Horoscope Work w/ Rose
By Rose and Isabella
Here's some work me and my friend rose. We Had to find some stuff about our star sign and we are both Pisces so we had to find out some of the things about Pisces. We also had to find out if we're even a Pisces which we quickly found out that we were. This was really fun to do because I love learning about my horoscope. 

Here's Me and Rose's Work...

Thursday, May 9, 2019

WildLab Fun w/ The Year 6's

WildLab Fun w/ The Year 6's
Today we went to a place called Wildlab. We were there to study a bird called Oi. While we were there we also learned about what they do. For our first activity, we climbed uphill for me and my friend it was quite challenging because we have Asthma so climbing hills are kinda hard. We got to the top and saw the lady in an Oi costume doing calls to us in a bird-ish language, we also had a look around the area and got told some stories. as I was going down I realized everyone was down except me and 2 other people. So to get a bit faster I slid down the hill on my bottom. Did you know Oi birds leave their mother at 3 months to then leave at sea for 7 years! Imagine 3 months young and all of a sudden go somewhere else without their mother. How do they survive at sea there is no fresh water? Well, they have the ability to get the salt water and turn into fresh water, That's amazing, right? well, also they can get through storms and quite a lot of natural disasters. We tried to experience what they have to go through when they come home. We had partners and one of us would be blindfolded and we got guided with words where to go, we had to go under a large camouflage sheet which was easy to get tangled up in, the go-to 3 poles one at a time and go around them once each while getting blasted with water from people shooting water guns to act like rain/storm. Then we had to try and put our hand in a net while it was moving to grab a plushie which was a squid because oi's eat squid After you got the plushie you have to hold on to it and bring it to the next blindfolded person. Remember we had to do all of that while blindfolded (To pretend its night) and follow you, partners, instructions. That was just one of our tasks. Our other task was to build a shelter in a rain forest for an egg (Normally the Oi's will dig out a hole underground but for time perpasices we made it above ground only using resources around us) Me and my team did not finish but you could still see what we were trying to do anyway, You should see how hard it got we had to snap sticks that were on the ground to make it how we wanted, Make a roof with sticks and even try and tie things with flax! after that challenge, we had to go back on the bus for a long ride back to school.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Moa's and Meat (A Collaborative piece of work)

Moa's and Meat (A Collaborative piece of work)

Here is a collaborative slide show. The whole class each got a piece of paper without knowing what it was. We then had to research what the animal was used for but for an object we had to research what the object was made out of. We had to remember the results and if you got an animal you had to find the object that the animal was made into and if you were an object you had to find the animal that your object was made out of. I got a moa and I eventually found my partner which was meat but the person who got it was Jessica. I was really happy I got her because I work well with her. We then had to make a slideshow or a play about how our animal turned into the object.

Here's what I and my partner (Jessica) Made (It was a play and a fun fact-ish slideshow)  

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Term 2 Maths Grid Results 2019

Term 2 Maths Grid Results 2019

Here are my Term 2 Goals for 2019. you can see all my results and dates when it happened. More dates and results will show up soon.