Tuesday, December 10, 2019

2019 Epworth Camp

2019 Epworth Camp
A few weeks ago we went camping at Epworth. We were there for one school week and let me add it was the funniest week ever! You will see photos in this slideshow where the year 5 and 6s got the privilege of going on this camp.
Hope you enjoy    

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Rain Gauge Results (Science Badges)

Rain Gauge Results (Science Badges)

So whats science badges? Its where you choose a flyer that goes from easy - hard-ish. This includes of pondering of planets - Explorer Badge - Advanced Explorer Badge. I choose Explorer Badge. I have now explained the flyer but I haven't said whats on it, There are 32 different projects that you can do in 4 categories. you have to do at least 8 projects. I choose to do a project where I had to make my own rain gauge. Whats a rain gauge? Its a half of a bottle that measures how much rain there has been that day. This project is where I have to measure how much rain and the temperature of a 2 week period. 

Here are my findings:

Monday, November 11, 2019

8 Plants that are used in medicine (Science Badges)

8 Plants that are used in medicine (Science Badges)

So whats science badges? Its where you choose a flyer that goes from easy - hard-ish. This includes of pondering of planets - Explorer Badge - Advanced Explorer Badge. I choose Explorer Badge. I have now explained the flyer but I haven't said whats on it, There are 32 different projects that you can do in 4 categories. you have to do at least 8 projects. This is one of my projects. I did this project as a collab with Kaycee. We had to draw and research 8 different plants used as/in Medicine.   

Hope you like it!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Term 4 Maths Grid 2019

Term 4 Maths Grid 2019
Here this Terms Time and Grid results. We do a grid as often as we can! you will see more and more results come up every week. What is a maths grid? It's where we have to do 100 x table answers in 6:00 minutes! Might seem difficult right? Someone chooses the tables that we x's with. (These numbers could be... 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x, 11x, 12x or 20x)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Term 4 Goals of the week

Term 4 Goals of the week
This Term we are switching stuff up! Are goals format has changed and now we more questions to answer. Our goals now base around our learning maps. You will see me writing on a new slide in 5 weeks time. What do we do for goals of the week? We reflect on the quote or saying that Mrs Hall gives us, then we have to find something that you want to work on, Then the rest is quite self-explanatory.
Here are my goals... 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Production Highlights

Production Highlights
Here are some highlights from this year's production about Captain Cook. We did it on Captain Cook because this year makes it 250 years since Captain Cook came to New Zealand. This Slideshow I made took ages so I hope you like it!

Here's my Slideshow...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

2019 Speeches (What is courage What is bravery?)

(What is courage What is bravery?)
We have had our speeches now and It was quite nerve-racking for most of us.
Our topic was "What is courage, What is Bravery?". It didn't take me that long to write my speech this year maybe it's because I'm older so my writing skills as levelled up? 

                                               I hope you like my speech!
What is Courage/Bravery?
By: Isabella 

Introduction, Non Sensible way example: 
Hi, My name is Isabella and what I’m talking about today is What is Courage, What is Bravery? Let’s First talk about non-sensible Courage/Bravery and then the sensible ways. These statements in your opinion could be different or you could disagree to agree with me. What's a non-sensible way to show bravery? In my imagination, I straight away think of someone who wants to show how they are brave or face their fears, but not in a safe sensible way. Imagine what might happen next? Maybe they try to Bungee jump without a cord (Whisper: Can you see the problem here) -Pause- That was just an example I thought off the top of my head, But I’m sure you could think of some examples yourself.

Sensible ways example: 
Moving onto the sensible way of showing Courage/bravery. Here’s an example from my own life. Have you ever heard of skyline Rotorua? In Rotorua? And after the big Zipline, there is a platform where you choose to go down the stairs or go down with an almost bungee jump backwards experience? Well, I wanted to face my fears! I was the first and youngest person to do it in my family and there were 4 of us. But proving I could do it my mum than jumped then my sister and then auntie. But it was a brave step for me, Just imagine being connected to a cord walking on a thin plank Backwards Not even facing forwards! And just jumping off. Well before I did that I learnt how to get to the ground safely, of course, I wouldn't do that If I didn’t know, that would be too risky. 

Conclusion, Why do people Face their fears or have courage?: 
What would it feel like to have nobody facing their fears or having courage? Well, I know a way to get you in a feel without people not facing their fears. In your mind Imagine a dark room it might feel like a tight dark box, well it’s because nobody invented lights yet because they did not face their fears! Just like with nearly every overly used appliance. Nothing has been made. Courage helps you to stand out, do things you never thought you could do and probably lots more you can think of. But everything has its downs, with using courage you can get butterflies you can faint you can get sick just from Facing your fears in a way that can seem really scary but harmless, just like saying this speech it’s hard to get up in front of people and speak, and don’t forget to write the actual thing.

Ending, Rapping it up: 
That now sadly concludes my speech I hope you learned something and I hope you have had a good day. I hope one day this speech can help me in public speaking in the future because a lot of the time people are missing that key feature. What would life be if we had 
no courage to attempt anything? -Vincent Van Gogh.

  Thank you for listening   

Production (Sneak Peeks)

Production (Sneak Peeks) 

Soon we are going to have our production, As we were rehearsing the Gisborne herald came and wanted some photos for early sneak peeks. Our production is on the 24th of September and many of us are excited. What people normally won't see is the time, effort and stress that we put into production, We only had about 2 months (I think) to start getting it together. You can see in the photos that some of us weren't in costumes, well that's because that same day some of us were still going to try our costumes.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bruce Potters Visit!

Bruce Potters Visit!
Before you think Bruce Potter is a relation from Harry Potter you are wrong. But that does not get rid of that fact that he is a magical person! Bruce Potter Is an Illustrator, Opera Singer and use to be a 3rd-time weight lifter in the world. He came to our School and showed us his book (Written by Him and Illustrated by him), He showed us some of his oil paintings as well. He didn't just do that he drew a drawing that we came up with! It was a really out of the ordinary character it was animals but mixed into one big animal! From inspiration from his book "Doodle Bug" We did some doodling. I loved doodling because I love sketching and drawing. 

Here's My Doodle:   

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Letter To The Queen

Letter To The Queen
We made a letter that is about what we think should change in the world (Mainly Plastic). The letter is for the queen, We aren't actually sending it to the queen but that does not defeat the purpose. You can see in my letter I focused a lot of plastic because that's the main problem that I could think of.
Here's my letter.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Stop Plastic Poster

Stop Plastic Poster
This poster is All about plastic and to save our world and animals. You can see by the photo's that it is really harming our sea's. It also goes into animals bellies. Turtles thing the plastic are jellyfish so they end up eating it. In this poster is all my opinion so you could not agree to te statement I am making. We need to be aware that the plastic problem is spreading and fast, On the internet, there are lots of articles to do with plastic. 

I hope you enjoy my Poster.

Ki-O-Rahi (Friday Program)

Ki-O-Rahi (Friday Program)

This game is a Maori game which includes protecting and throwing. The aim for the people how to throw the ball is to throw a ball at the bin. The aim for the people who protect the bin is to make sure no balls hit the bin. I was not here on Friday but have played that game before when I was here for other Fridays.  

Our Amazing Cross-Country 22/8/19

Our Amazing Cross-Country  22/8/19
  On the 22/8/19 was Makaraka's Cross-Country. I could sadly not attend because I was still sick and my mum thought it would be best if I stayed home and not make it worse. It was a wet and muddy evening but that didn't stop us! What we do is lets say the year 6's were going to race we would do the year 6 boys first and then do the year 6 girls. we just keept doing each year group. At the end we get to eat a free sausage sizzle.   

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Whale Rider - Work

Whale Rider - Work
Have you ever heard about whale rider the movie? Well, we have been reading the book and answering some questions around the book. You will see on this slide show all my work based on it but not the book, so this might come difficult to understand. All of these are just my opinion's about the story so you do not have to like them. Whale Rider is a New Zealand Film base a lot on Whangara, a maere which are school is really familiar on. 

I hope you enjoy my slideshow... 

Thursday, July 25, 2019

2019 Speeches - Research

2019 Speeches - Research 
We got speeches coming really soon and we have been looking at speeches from famous people. The main people we are looking at are Martin Luther King Jr. We are learning this so when we do our speech we have a Big Idea of how we present it and how we write it. I did all this work with Isla because we had to go into partners. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Term 3 2019 Maths Grid Results

Term 3 2019 Maths Grid Results

Here are my Term 3 maths grid results. We do maths grid at least 2 times a day and its to test how we are under time and also how we are at our time's tables. We get 6mins to do 100 times tables. It sometimes gets a bit stressful but it will help me out int the future.

Here they are...

Monday, July 22, 2019

2019 Term 3 Week Goals

2019 Term 3 Week Goals

Here are my 2019 Term 3 goals. What are goals? Goals are things that we aim to do in the week / want to get done. We also get quotes with our goals. You will see a box with Quote Reflection, well that box is where I write about the quote we get given not all the time I write a lot in those box's because it can be a difficult quote. You also can see Week (Number) Reflection on goals. That's where I write about my goals from the last week. Then there are Week (Number) Goals that's where I write the goals I set for myself for the week.

Here is my 2019 Term 3 Goals:   

Friday, July 5, 2019

2019 Matariki Work

2019 Matariki Work
Here's some work I worked hard on. I didn't finish it in time but that's ok because most people didn't finish. We were learning all about Matariki and on the way we had to do some tasks.

Here's my work

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Science fair 2019 - Let's get our thinking caps on!

Science fair 2019 - let's get our thinking caps on!

This is our 2019 science Fair at makaraka school! My project is all about sinkholes and some fun facts about them. I hope you enjoy my Science fair project I put a lot of effort into it. 

Monday, June 24, 2019


We are looking at this play but we have only seen a couple of pages because our Teacher wants to use our Imagination to try and find out what's happening and what's next. We had to answer some questions so Mrs Hall knows that we understand

Here are my answers...  

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Poor Huia's

Poor Huia's
We have been doing things to do with a mystery story that we slowly find more about. This is what we have found out so far... We are a museum and a man named Richerd Sunderland sent a letter to us about he was cleaning out his family home and he found this weird chest of is grandma's and we later found out that it had a diary and a piece of Special jewellery and that we found out not too long ago that the Jewellery was a brooch and to be specific, a Huia brooch (His Grandma's Husband gave it to her for a birthday present) You will find more out in the video down below.

Here's the video (I'm the Filmer so you will not hear me or see me)

Did the film communicate the script?

Did it communicate the rising emotion being portrayed?
Near the end, it was more understandable that it was emotional

What could you shoot differently?
Not having the brooch high on top of the pole - Because Rose couldn't reach it

What would make your film more understandable?
A Narrator - To introduce at the beginning to make more sense

What would give your film more emotional impact?
Dramatic Music (But we weren't allowed any editing)

Monday, June 17, 2019

Extinction w/ Me, Rose and Brooke

On Friday program the Year 6(s) were thinking about some stuff that is happening that we want to stop. Me, Brooke and Rose wanted to look at Extinction and we originally write it with I see, I feel, I taste, I am etc..., after that, we got rid of those words and tried to put some words in just to make it make sense.

Here's what Me, Brooke and Rose came up with

If all of the animals die
There will be
The death of the ones who became extinct
Deserted forest
Blood from the ocean
The Blood from the dead animals
The dead blood animals
The animals that became extinct.
Terrified of the one that made the corse
There could have been a better way than killing them.


Monday, June 10, 2019

What star sign are you?

What star sign are you?
There are many star signs and many Myths about them as well but do you know what star sign are you, I'm a Pisces (Date range: 18 Feb-Mar 20). We got to make art based on our star sign, We had to draw what our constellation looked like and then make the creature that Represents it's on to it to show how the stars form the animal. What our Zodiac signs? Zodiac signs are like categories you get put in based on when you were born. We also had writing on the back of our art.

Here's my art...

Here's my writing...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Pantied Hoe - Isabella

Painted Hoe - Isabella

We read this mini book and it's about waka's and hoe's written by a New Zealand Arthur named Steve Gibbs. We had to read it and answer questions after each page in speaker notes.
Here are my Answers...

1. There are many different types of waka’s like Tete, Tiwai, Hoaura and much more, But what separates them is that some are two hule wakas and other can be one hule, And there can also be ones that are used for different things. 

2. Hoe are highly valued because they have the ancestors / Stories carved into them, They do that for luck and you can’t just give luck to everyone. Also, They take really long to make and you should never give something that you have been working on for long and just give it to anyone.

3. Steve says that the hoe is well designed because it made them know the way to places And they are weighted down so it makes the waka go fast.

4. Where to go and stories of people before them.

5. Te Papa, University of Cambridge, British Museum,

Here's The Mini Book...

Hoe Waka Design

Hoe Waka Design

We got to draw our own design for a hoe for a waka. This Hoe had to have meanings behind it for me I have a path over the sea to Nz, The thousands of steps and waves in the sea. This was fun because 1# I love sketching / drawing and 2# its fun to design your own things, not just the following something, but we were allowed to have a look at Captain Cook's Hoe's they were gifted. We Designed these because we are learning about Captian J Cook

Here's my Design... 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Pisces Horoscope Work w/ Rose

Pisces Horoscope Work w/ Rose
By Rose and Isabella
Here's some work me and my friend rose. We Had to find some stuff about our star sign and we are both Pisces so we had to find out some of the things about Pisces. We also had to find out if we're even a Pisces which we quickly found out that we were. This was really fun to do because I love learning about my horoscope. 

Here's Me and Rose's Work...

Thursday, May 9, 2019

WildLab Fun w/ The Year 6's

WildLab Fun w/ The Year 6's
Today we went to a place called Wildlab. We were there to study a bird called Oi. While we were there we also learned about what they do. For our first activity, we climbed uphill for me and my friend it was quite challenging because we have Asthma so climbing hills are kinda hard. We got to the top and saw the lady in an Oi costume doing calls to us in a bird-ish language, we also had a look around the area and got told some stories. as I was going down I realized everyone was down except me and 2 other people. So to get a bit faster I slid down the hill on my bottom. Did you know Oi birds leave their mother at 3 months to then leave at sea for 7 years! Imagine 3 months young and all of a sudden go somewhere else without their mother. How do they survive at sea there is no fresh water? Well, they have the ability to get the salt water and turn into fresh water, That's amazing, right? well, also they can get through storms and quite a lot of natural disasters. We tried to experience what they have to go through when they come home. We had partners and one of us would be blindfolded and we got guided with words where to go, we had to go under a large camouflage sheet which was easy to get tangled up in, the go-to 3 poles one at a time and go around them once each while getting blasted with water from people shooting water guns to act like rain/storm. Then we had to try and put our hand in a net while it was moving to grab a plushie which was a squid because oi's eat squid After you got the plushie you have to hold on to it and bring it to the next blindfolded person. Remember we had to do all of that while blindfolded (To pretend its night) and follow you, partners, instructions. That was just one of our tasks. Our other task was to build a shelter in a rain forest for an egg (Normally the Oi's will dig out a hole underground but for time perpasices we made it above ground only using resources around us) Me and my team did not finish but you could still see what we were trying to do anyway, You should see how hard it got we had to snap sticks that were on the ground to make it how we wanted, Make a roof with sticks and even try and tie things with flax! after that challenge, we had to go back on the bus for a long ride back to school.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Moa's and Meat (A Collaborative piece of work)

Moa's and Meat (A Collaborative piece of work)

Here is a collaborative slide show. The whole class each got a piece of paper without knowing what it was. We then had to research what the animal was used for but for an object we had to research what the object was made out of. We had to remember the results and if you got an animal you had to find the object that the animal was made into and if you were an object you had to find the animal that your object was made out of. I got a moa and I eventually found my partner which was meat but the person who got it was Jessica. I was really happy I got her because I work well with her. We then had to make a slideshow or a play about how our animal turned into the object.

Here's what I and my partner (Jessica) Made (It was a play and a fun fact-ish slideshow)  

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Term 2 Maths Grid Results 2019

Term 2 Maths Grid Results 2019

Here are my Term 2 Goals for 2019. you can see all my results and dates when it happened. More dates and results will show up soon.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Term 2 Week Goals 2019

Term 2 Week Goals 2019
Wow, Term 2 already?! Term 2 has come and my Term 2 Week Goals have come as well, For our goals, we get a quote to write about in the Quote Reflection. We also Look back at the goals we did and say If we need to keep working on them or we have finished them after that we set some new goals if we have finished them. Goals are for things that we wanna do or Change about Us. Its good to set goals so if you have nothing to do you can try a complete your goals. More goals will come soon over the week...

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Eel Dissection Diagram - WARNING: Eels inside's shown

Eel Dissection Diagram - Isabella

22/2/19 We caught Eels near Whangara and after that, we made Scientific Eel Diagrams we choose pictures of bits and pieces of the inside of the Eel's when we dissected them. We did some research because we labeled the bits and pieces on our photo. That made us think more about the parts. My Favorite part was learning about the insides of the eel Because you normally get this opportune in High School. A question I still have is how did eels get blind in the first place did they get born blind or did they get blind later on in there life. we did this for our education to learn about eels we even got to see some of the Eel's last Meal and lots of people thought that was cool!

If you do not like insides of eels you may wanna look away now.
Outside anatomy

End Trails

Smart Relationships: Writing a quality blog comment? - Isabella

Smart Relationships: Writing a quality blog comment? - Isabella

My class has been learning about making a good comment. We need to learn this because you never know when it comes handy in life. We also like commenting to each other's blog so this is making us better. We had to make a comment on our teacher's blog post (Mrs hall) then we practiced in this slide and then copied and pasted it in. Then we made a comment to another's person comment and just keep giving feedback. This was really fun!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Eel Poem - Isabella

Eel Poem - Isabella
This Is my Eel Poem work It's to do with Eel reading where Mrs Hall gives us work about Eels because we went Eeling at Camp a couple of weeks ago. This is really fun to do cause we can learn More things!

Here's My Poem...

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

4 Eeling Tales Stories - Isabella

4 Eeling Tales Stories - Isabella
Here are some slides to do with Eeling. We had to read the Story and then answer some questions. This helps us to learn more about Eels and Eeling which in my opinion it's a good subject to learn more about.

Here's the Slide Show...

Thursday, February 28, 2019

2019 Whangara Camp Recount

2019 Whangara Camp Recount
By Isabella

Makaraka school  Gisborne has Just been to Whangara for their Yearly Camp. The Senior Year 5 and 6s went on the 20th - 22nd. They All Participated in a number of activities that made countless fun hours for the kids! The one that was the Best was the Cooks Cove walk, in Toygla bay.

They all started at 9:30AM. One by one, Single file The Students made their way to the 1st Lookout of Cooks Cove. Jessica Felt Tired and she wanted to go back down but knew it would be worth it! Ambar felt tired and sweaty. Soon  After They, all set off once again. Going through the Bushes, Long Grass, and many more small obstacles. Jessica felt like her legs were Gonna fall off. Levi felt refreshed. As they Kept going it got more breezy.

A little while later they made it to the 2nd lookout. Kaycee said “ The view was really misty and mysteries” All of the Students loved the View and the Adults took note of the View. Then they were off again. The Students then made it to the Rain Forest, They could all hear the Birds Chirp and The Trees leaves rustle in the low wind.

Half an hour later, they make it to the big field of choice. The adults decided to go to Hole in the wall first and have a look at it. The kids all went over the logs and looked at the Beautiful sea in all its glory.

When the kids made their way back they were exhausted but had a lot of fun. They were all making their way back, Sad to go but happy to get some rest. Overall all the Students and Adults had a good time even tho for some of the kids it was their 2nd - 5th time going. Kate felt relief to be down and see the vans. They all said goodbye to cooks cove, The Students then made their way in the cars and had a safe journey back.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Term 1 2019 Maths Grid Results

Term 1 2019 Maths Grid Results
Each week we do maths grid. We do maths grid to get better at maths and also at being faster at maths. You can see my scores out of hundred and when I did them. I enjoy doing Maths Grid because its a fun experience and I can really push myself. You will see more and more scores pop up each week. 

Here's my Term 1 Maths Grid Results...

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Whangara Leadership Camp 2019

Whangara Leadership Camp 2019

From the 20th of February - 23rd of February we had camp! we get this every year in Term 1 for year 5 and 6s. This camp is really fun every time. This year we did the Cooks cove walk-in Tolga Bay, Played the great Race, Made Hinaki then fished for eels with the Hinaki, went to Aoura bay and lots more. We were right next to the beach so we got at least 1-2 swims a day which was good because it was hot all the days. This was really fun Thank you, everyone, for making this Happen. 

Friday, February 15, 2019

Eels Slideshow - Isabella

Eels Slideshow - Isabella
We did a slideshow about Eels. We are going to camp really soon and at camp, we are going Eeling. We want to learn more about Eels so we will be ready to fish for Eels. We got to make Hinaki which is a contraption to fish for Eels. I'm excited for what's to come!  

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Rip Current Poster - Isabella and Ambar

This is me and Ambars Rip Current Poster...
A couple of days ago we did beach ed in that we learned about Rip currents. What to do when you in a rip current, How to spot a rip and many other things we decide to do a poster about it, You may have learned a couple of things from the poster. Make sure your always Safe at a beach and follow the rules!

Stay Safe!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Hinaki Reading - Isabella and Christbel

Hinaki Reading - Isabella and Christbel
We did some reading for camp Because we will be going eeling at camp. This book taught us what bat could be good, how the eel will react in the trap, What to do before you can eat the eel to make sure its safe, Slime on eels are poisonous and lots more. This was fun to learn and see pictures of the eels traps and bate. I'm now well prepared for camp! 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Term 1 Goals of the week

Term 1 Goals
Here are my term 1 Goals. Why do we do goals? We do it so we always have an aim in are learning or something else. We always have a quote to reflect to and that's the quote that will be the main factor. In my head, I think goals are really fun its more work and I love work! You will see more slides come up as we do more goals.   

Friday, February 1, 2019

Values Work!

Values Work!

Today we did some work around our school Values, Mrs hall would hand out a card to each group (There were groups or 3 and 4) And it would say a word and you have to see which value does it most relate to.
Here are the values
Kia Kaha - Be brave
Tuku Patai - Curiosity
Kia Manawanui - Have a Heart 
Kia Maia - Pride
My group got: I can choose to be myself. We then strongly Agreed that it goes with Pride, You have pride to be yourself! The next thing was we had to make a Freeze Frame of Not being Myself, Of course, I and Max were coping what Declan was doing and not being ourselves. After we had to do the opposite we had to Make a freeze frame of us being ourselves. I was Playing Video games, Max was reading a book and Declan was Dancing. We rote what we felt like when doing these Freeze Frames. This was really fun!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

2019 Is here!

2019 Is here!
2018 is over and 2019 is here! my goals for this year is to work hard, try my best in even the challenging things, I will be kind to whoever I see even if There not that nice back and I wanna try and make my Artist talent better than before! This is my last year of Makaraka school and I wanna make it my best. As a year 6, you need to remember to be a leader, be confident, Try not to hesitate as much and always be kind and caring to the young ones and the older ones. For me I'm kinda scared to be a leader, It's a big Responsibility. I want to make friends, Even best friends if I'm lucky.
~I hope this year will be a good year for everyone~